Reference: MD14000011
Brand: Mudster
Rear auto locking differential ( Dacia Duster )
Torsen auto locking differential type B for Renault Dacia Duster 4x4 off road.
Torsen auto locking differential type B for Renault Dacia Duster 4x4 off road.
271.12 EUR x 24 months |
NOTE: New version with components made at improved tolerance rates!
How it works:
The auto locking differential automatically distributes torque between the drive wheels optimum front torque proportional to the increase came from the engine.
Maximum Lock wheel with the lowest grip is 70-80%, so there the complete blockage never occurs.
The interaction with the traction control and electronic stability system (ASR):
The auto locking differential's action is transparent to the traction control and stability, so the system will not interfere in any way in the operation of these systems, it will only help optimal torque transmission to the front wheels.
By using a auto locking differential, the traction control system is activated more slowly and less because the differential will be triggered much earlier. It will not interfere either with vehicle stability control because it is not a permanent block differential.
Merită tot efortul!!!....mașinuța se transformă complet! ....întreaga putere a motorului se transmite instantaneu în teren direct sub roată! Atit pe asfalt cit și în offroad, cu anvelopele adecvate, comportamentul mașinii este f mult îmbunătățit, se așează mult mai bine pe suprafața de rulare atit la demaraj și în depășiri, cit și la curbe (pe teren plan sau în urcare, în egală măsură). Împreună cu autoblocantul de pe spate (cu care am mers deja 50.000km!) apreciez că reprezintă un pachet care ridică mașina la un alt nivel!!!..... îi îmbunătățește f mult performanțele!!! Bravo MUDSTER!
Reference: MD14000011
Brand: Mudster
Torsen auto locking differential type B for Renault Dacia Duster 4x4 off road.
Reference: MDDIFBK
Brand: Mudster
Rear locking differential Lock Right
Reference: MDDIFF4X2
Torsen auto locking differential type B for Renault Dacia Duster 4x2.
Brand: Mudster
Reference: MDHALDEX
Pneumatic coupling that replaces the standard coupling (Haldex) of the rear differential, thus dramatically improving the off road performance of your Duster by avoiding failure and decoupling of the rear differential in demanding situations.
Complete pneumatic kit, needed for operating pneumatic rear differentials or rear pneumatic couplings.